As our center is closed to help flatten the curve during COVID-19, many are wondering: How do I keep my skin in good shape while quarantined at home?
How to make your own hand mask and hand scrub at home.
How to Make Your Own Hand Mask at Home.
Add to the normal dryness that we all experience being inside in the winter and early spring, we now have the added harsh effects of more than normal hand washing and the harmful effects of sanitizers. Since we are all stuck at home and have limited access to our favorite products to help with dry skin, we have some suggestions of home remedies.
Why are your hands getting dry and your skin looking old? Here are a few
things contributing to dry skin:
- repeated use of sanitizers
- washing hands often with harsh soap
- washing dishes without gloves
- not using moisturizers/hand cream
- not using SPF on hands when you go out
Here are our recommendations for good and healthy/young looking skin: Exfoliate for once weekly for 1-2 minutes gently.
Easy Exfoliate home Recipe:
- 2/3 cup of sugar
- ¼ cup of coconut oil
(Or alternately you can use coffee grounds from a used k-cup)
- Apply moisturizers after washing hands or after a shower
- Apply moisturizer after swimming or using a spa
- Use hand masks regularly
Here is a simple home hydrating mask Recipe:
- 1 tb.spoon Mayonnaise
- 1 teaspoon lemon
Mix , apply on hands, wear gloves over the mask for 10-20 minutes. Also, remember to always wear gloves when washing dishes and
apply SPF before you go out.
Lily Laser and Beauty Collection provides an excellent line of skin care products that are formulated for hands. Check out a few product suggestions that our customers have been raving about. Lily’s products and services are geared towards bringing you the beauty that lies within you!