Lifting, Tightening - Radio Frequency Microneedling
RF Microneedling Treatment
How does it work?
The LegendPro Treats
Loose, sagging skin
Healthy elastin and collagen regrowth
For inquiries or appointment booking please call: 610-489-6148.
Patients benefits
By encouraging and enhancing the natural healing processes in the skin, Legend Pro unveils the best in each patient. From resurfacing of the upper layers of the skin to promoting the regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers in the deeper dermis, Legend Pro offers a complete toolkit for creating tailor-made treatments and personalized results for you.
Legend M/2 in one, RF+RF Microneedling
Thanks to the unique technologies behind Legend Pro, patients experience minimal pain and downtime during and after treatment, without the need of numbing cream before the treatment. The desired results are promptly visible. Indications include: skin resurfacing and treatment of mild to moderate wrinkles and rhytids.
RF thermal skin regeneration
Legend Pro’s clinically proven technologies work in synergy to achieve the results you and your patients seek.
Triggering regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers, by delivering focused RF energy in a safe and effective manner, inducing controlled heating of the deep dermis.
VoluDerm/RF microneedling
TriPollar® RF
Triggering regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers, by delivering focused RF energy in a safe and effective manner, inducing controlled heating of the deep dermis.
Legend M/2 in one, RF+RF Microneedling
Thanks to the unique technologies behind Legend Pro, patients experience minimal pain and downtime during and after treatment, without the need of numbing cream before the treatment. The desired results are promptly visible. Indications include: skin resurfacing and treatment of mild to moderate wrinkles and rhytids.
To book an appointment please call 610-489-6148.
RF thermal skin regeneration
Legend Pro’s clinically proven technologies work in synergy to achieve the results you and your patients seek.
Triggering regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers, by delivering focused RF energy in a safe and effective manner, inducing controlled heating of the deep dermis.
To book an appointment please call 610-489-6148.
VoluDerm/RF microneedling
TriPollar® RF
Triggering regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers, by delivering focused RF energy in a safe and effective manner, inducing controlled heating of the deep dermis.
To book an appointment please call 610-489-6148.